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Controls are not working for me:

  • MacOS Ventura 13.1
  • Chrome Version 115.0.5790.114


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Have you clicked on the game after launching it?

Yes, the game has the focus, I can say, because when I click out the game pauses moving/sounding and when I click in it the game resumes moving/sound.

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This is addictively fun, I could pay for a full version of this. Just a little complain, the more I advance the harder is to place a brick. I´m okay with the player being faster and harder too move but the placing of the bricks is difficult and adds nothing to the difficulty, it´s jus annoying. Besides that, this is a great game and super fun

Hey! Thanks

That’s actually a bug we left accidentally because at first it was a realtime game and we forgot to remove speed multiplier at some point of the Jam :(

Thanks for answering. If you ever release a polished version let me know. Is there a way to follow your work and updates?

Yeah, sure!

You can follow all our devs itch pages. Mine for example can be followed by upper right button “Follow Yogurt The Horse”. Also you can find my twitter in the profile and follow it. I don’t use it much, but if we release anything – there would be a post


Great game!


Are you MV in leaderboards?


Besides getting to top-8, you also made the smallest score (which wasn’t saved) :D


That's some solid made game there!! Art, control, music, gameplay so well made! Love how many tactics you put in such simple concept! Great work!!

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I can't believe you put a whole cartoon for players who reach the first place. That was funny as hell!

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*checking your score* You maybe should see a doctor

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I regret nothing.


I dont know how on earth you managed to make the game look so good this fast.

графоний прекрасный, но игра слишком сложная для меня. ни разу не приблизился даже к нижней границе лидерборда